Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Marissa Moomaw Tweeted: The best job on this week's job list is a pr...

Your Highlights
Marissa Moomaw
The best job on this week's job list is a professional @Pinterest pinner.
Kathie Lee and Hoda
.@JennaBushHager is a big fan of @hodakotb's #favoritething... "readers" from bunnyeyez.com! pic.twitter.com/yRkjUVEj6a
Rep. Carlos G Smith
Empathy. Pass it on.
Jeff E. Schapiro
Virginia is for... accused felons: Manafort checks into VIP section at Northern Neck jail where Chris Brown, Michael Vick also did time via @RTDNEWS
Steve Bullock
Bipartisan governors agree that pre-existing conditions must be covered. We're asking the Administration to reverse their decision, and instead work with us and Congress to protect coverage and lower health care costs.
Tracy Woodson
RT @JaredRavich: Here's #BlueJays 2018 Round 20 pick Vinny Capra.
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