Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Graham Moomaw Tweeted: How a Virginia drive-in theater finally got a highway sign without costing the state $100 million

Your Highlights
Graham Moomaw
How a Virginia drive-in theater finally got a highway sign without costing the state $100 million
Longwood MortarBoard
Don't miss out on this year's Last Lecture where our faculty will share final thoughts and great advice for life after graduation! Speakers will include faculty from the communication studies, biology, nursing, and English departments. @longwoodnursing @longwoodu
Talya Cunningham
Mayor @LevarStoney was at George Mason Elementary to greet students this morning saying last nights vote on the meals tax increase was a win for the kids. @8NEWS
Patrick Wilson
Stone Brewing files lawsuit against MillerCoors over rebranding of Keystone Light beer via @RTDNEWS
Kentucky Speedway
Hear what @Brendan62 has to say about our "treacherous" Turn 3 and what fans should expect July 12-14.
Joe Gibbs Racing 🚗🏁
Help us welcome the new player in town, @CBellRacing!

@GameStop #GameStop
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