Friday, May 1, 2015

@ryanobles tweeted: The National Guard troops at City Hall quickly sprang to their post as Mosby announced the charges. #Baltimore

Ryan Nobles
The National Guard troops at City Hall quickly sprang to their post as Mosby announced the charges. #Baltimore
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One. More. Day.
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WATCH LIVESTREAM: @RayvonOwen performs in Richmond, beginning at 12:30 p.m.
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Ellen DeGeneres
Jess & Matt have a beautiful life. Their home should be beautiful, too. I can't think of people who deserve it more.
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Apparently the Spartans were @MiamiDolphins fans. #300 #NFLDraft
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Ariana Grande
& by "person to work with" i meant "be an idiot with / have sleepovers with and and sometimes write pretty songs with" @VICTORIAMONET_
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