Thursday, August 8, 2013

Back-to-School Supplies & Your Pinterest Recommendations

Your Weekly Pinterest

Hi, AntilleyioJordanku!

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We started pinning back-to-school basics. We hope this board helps you prepare for your first day at school, whether you're picking up supplies and essentials for your kids, your dorm room, or for your classroom!

Boards To Follow


Liam Craig Liam Craig
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Pippa Eckersley Pippa Eckersley
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Ralph Wheeler-Holes Ralph Wheeler-Holes
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Hair Raising

Lindsay Stebbing Lindsay Stebbing
Hair Raising
1 2 3 4
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Architectural Details

J&R Živković J&R Živković
Architectural Details
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hand made stuff

Jan Buckley Jan Buckley
hand made stuff
1 2 3 4
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